Lance Godwin
I have a real passion for 60's music but have embraced all the decades since, thanks to my involvement with Coast FM since 2015. It would be fair to say however, that I have an eclectic taste in music.
From mid to late teens, I built my own record players and radios from discarded valve sets and turntables and when I could finally play 45's, my first purchase was “Walk Like a Man”.
This love of electronics continues to the present time and now manifests itself with computer technology.
On the home front, I have been married to Jill for 55 years (2023) and we have 2 children, their partners and 4 grandchildren. Work wise, I taught in public schools for 41 years from primary to secondary, culminating in my role as foundation Principal at Wadalba Community School. Following retirement, I worked at both Sydney and Newcastle Universities for 13 years.
My regular shifts on Coast FM are the Tuesday morning program and the Thursday Drive. The other great passion is maritime history and I have an ongoing interest in developing new episodes for broadcast.